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. 1990 While working and living in the Sinai, Egypt ("Basata" - studios in the desert, with Sherif and Maria al Ghamrawy) we start to make first plans for "a infrasculpture/studiovillage". . 1991 Teresa and omi meet Malex, a 18 year old curiosity and electronic engeneering alround wano (Malex-term for diginerds) wrote his first programme with 12 for the tinkerdiscolightmachine in the home-partycellar..we are lucky people! Malex introduces us to the e-net! deep dive take off with are new calci! We buy Casqueiro, a 200 year old millhouse in ruins on the cantabrian coast. We find the name for the project : Casqueiro Atlantico Laboratorio Cultural - CALC, this sounds strange enough. . 1992 "The projection of the project: calc", a multi-media-exhibition in the theatre of Bregenz, Austria. 10 days we're living in the theatre lobby and explaining our ideas. We move with all our toys and tools to Navia. . 1993 We rent the "octavo", the eighth and last floor in the only skyscraper in Navia. Installation of the "telematic laboratory" in a room with 20 m2. Conceptualization for a culture-magazine "Entretanto" (inbetween). "Stampictures" - development of two installations for the company Glatz, Bregenz, realisation in december. "Bildsprachen" (image languages) - exhibition in the Gallery Haas, Dornbirn. In form of a "Fax-sculpture", we're present. Calc wins a video competition, organized by the asturian goverment, for a rock-music-clip. Realisation of different labels for spanish wines. Painting the board of Navia's football pitch with advertisements (completely out of money...). Designing t-shirts for Navia and its "fiestas", Designing the cover and producing the clip for the rockband, Designing a mail-art-stamp-series (90 stamps) for the Company Glatz. Live-video-performance in the music club "Triciclo", Navia. Organisation of Fatima Mendez' exhibition (painting) in the House of Culture, Navia . 1994 Comix-performance (1000 live-graffitis) in the music club "Triciclo", Navia. Production and Coverdesign for the trash metal band "Xplosiv Joint", Navia Film programme in the House of Culture in Castropol in collaboration with "Ambasaguas" "Salto", concept for a "Hotel as an interface between nature and culture" in Grandas. Gernot Tscherteu, interface designer from Vienna, comes and stays for a half year. Concept and interior design for the Music bar "Blue Box" as a platform for the local scene and for Calc, opening exhibition together with Gernot T. Organizing various concerts and exhibitions in the Blue Box. Calc gives a multimedia workshop during the "Week of Culture" in Navia's high school. In May we start to renovate Casqueiro, at the same time the work with Gernot T. starts "Interfacedesign for CALC" Concept and realisation of the bar Pasodoble, we're painting a huge "comic-fresco". Open-air-cinema in the Pasodoble (organisation togehter with Ambasaguas). We're doing the illustrations and the graphic design for a childrens-song-book "King Black & White and King Hum" (with Ulrich Gabriel - Unart productions, Austria). Concept for "Bar Castro", Coaña, Asturias On the 18 of december we're moving into the mothership Casqueiro. . 1995 Installing the telematic laboratory In April Malex comes (Marcus Spiegel, Electro-engineer, Zuerich, CH) to work with us in CAL©AXYs structure and in the garden. Installing the fantastic HIRSCHMANN-parabolicreflector (sponsoring), starting to tape Talking Heads from all around the world - project for an exhibition "Jardines Firmados" - group exhibition in Galeria de Arte, Marta Llames, Oviedo, Spain. We give media workshops in Casqueiro. We decide to start with the CAL©AXY as a fat mailbox system. We make a tour with computed images to Austria and Switzerland, can sell 12 pieces and survive for another year. . 1996 We got the structure, the design and the contents for the first CAL©AXY version and start to fill/program. Hilario Suarez, a legandary barkeeper from Navia, asks us if we would help him to install a bar "without money, without time". We have the idea to open not a new bar, but an old bar. We imagine, an owner who puts all kinds of images/memorys in his bar for 50 years. In two nights we install with friends all images we could have found... The "Alternativa" opens on 29th of March. We decide to hop into the net with the beginning of Spring! ![]() Bertl "Angel" Theuritzbacher and Leo Schatzl visit us. They come with two fat Macs to Bertls flat, which he bought in Puerto de Vega, to practice new computerprograms. We think about possible collaborations ...Leo wants to do a virtual portfolio and use the C-mall for his art-products...Bertl is cooking very good! Graphic concept and design for the dealer organisation Asacuna, Navia, Spain. We get invited by Martin Gepp and Kurt Spirig to join the RHEIN-ART 97 project, an international sculpture exhibition in Switzerland an Austria, to do a "virtual piece" - we want to do a translation of the real-works into virtuality, seen as an own complex "virture" (virtual sculpture). Preparations for the stay and the sculpture project of Ida Kleiterp, Netherlands. Ida will work during one month on a sculpture on the town house square of Castropol, a little coast village at the cantabrian coast. ![]() Spallo Kolb, Swiss sculptor and Pele visit us, Spallo decide to offer to Ortiguera also a sculpture for the square in front of their lighthouse. Making a concept and designs for various events in the bar Sebastopol in Castropol. Writing stories and drawing Allfred Adler, part II., a Comix dedicated to ecology and conservation of nature for the Oetztal in Austria. Working out our 7 pages for the Austrian Comicbook "EVERLAST". By the end of July Peixe Wenger, video artist, Switzerland and Ida arrive. Ida begins the sculpture in Castropol, and for all of us and the people of Castropol itīs a very new and good experience. We translate and document the process in the CALCAXY till the inaguration of the sculpture "canto de sirena" at the end of August. Doing last steps for CARTOGRAPHIA, a groupexhibition in Bolzano. The last three months are full of commercial work, we design Home-Pages and Home-Pages and Home-Pages...............full fridge! Travelling to Italy for the opening of CARTOGRAPHIA. ![]() ![]() |