
> 11th OF OCT..the truck arrives..5 heavy pieces..
in about three hours the agorao03 front of a huge auditorium which is also used for public events.. mister Hapkemayer, director of the Museion who is coordinating all works which were bought for the new part of the university (the museum for contemporary art and the university
are “one”..only a grand corridor seperates the two institutions..) welcomes us friendly..and the agora03.. >


..mister Hapkemayer asks us for “a very short text” to fix next to the agora03..very short:

a g o r a 0 3 is both: a free stage as well as a free arena. free and open to all students, professors and guests to be featured and expressed. and more: its your turn.
c a l c
and Michelangelo Pistoletto 2004

..we tell mister Hapkemayer that graffties on a03 are welcome!..a03 should be seen as a platform, as a vestibule-furniture, more than a form of art..more part than art..maybe we should think about a small contract?..when we only wanted to sit on a Franz West sofa en Castello di Rivoli.. we were told to “understand” that this is “art”..

> 12th OF OCT. bye belli..Teresa and omi are leaving today..lot of work is waiting in Seville..come to visit us! everybody! thanks for all your ears..feedbacks..definitions of geanet..and the projects you showed us..hasta otro lugar y momento..amig@s..or who knows?.maybe in citta again..


..ciao bella..see you Ju.. by the way > Jus and
c a l cs way seem to derive again..maybe it is
the spacial distance, maybe something more subtile which didn’t let us find a fine flow in our communication..and tasks.. but things are not said yet..and open..there really wasn’t a quiet while the last two weeks to talk about it..but its in the air..lets talk..or write at least.. soon! ..we’ll let you know..

..Biella..Torino..Savonna..and all along the blue coast to starts to rain becomes darker and darker and the images we wanted to take..too..well.. nothing.. with Sylvie
we agree that one of us - either from c a l c or
l a p a n a d e r i a
- will come within the next weeks..specially for that..a ver quien puede..

> 13th OF OCT > bienvenidos en sevilla! ai,
que bien..!

uuu..sabes que? the newest news of all the year are here >
Miss Pi and El Deivi are pregnant!


..después de algún tiempo buscando al niñito, en octubre, cuando Teresa estaba en Biella supimos que estaba embarazada..vamos a ser mamis y papis!!..tias y tios!!
..mucha felicidad y mucha extrañeza a la vez..
mamapapa nosotros?..ssssss.. a finales
de mayo se espera a un@ topit@ sevillan@..bienvenid@!!!!!..@iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..

..Curt sends a mail..and an image of a new painting.. direction..his abstract-concrete world is geting more emotional again..


..the little BCD-book!.lets finish it as sssoon as posssbl.. Teresa and omi are showing a layout to eVa, Rubi and Topo..handling the publication like
if it was a geanet of its own “history”..charlar con los panaderos siempre mejora lo que hay encima de la mesa..

..and > Crónica de El Sur
por las islas de Vava'u, reino de Tonga . 3 de septiembre al de 17 de octubre de 2.004.
..the sailers write again..


El Sur llegó a las Islas Marquesas el pasado 9 de abril. Después de casi siete meses de vagabundeo náutico por los Mares del Sur y sus islas, se disponen a abandonar las latitudes tropicales para dirigirse a Nueva Zelanda, ya al sur del Trópico de Capricornio. Al parecer lo hacen en Vava'u, que en línea recta está a unas 2.200 millas de Las Marquesas, y a 1.150 de Auckland, al norte de Nueva Zelanda.
Adjunto mapita y, para más ilustración, unas notitas sobre Tonga: El Reino de Tonga, la última monarquía en Oceanía, es un pequeño país ubicado al este de Australia y al noreste de Nueva Zelanda, al sur del Océano Pacífico. El archipiélago decidió unificarse en una monarquía polinesia en 1845 y 55 años después se convirtió en un protectorado británico. En 1970 el reino obtuvo su independencia y desde entonces forman parte de la Mancomunidad Británica de Naciones, aunque a las Naciones Unidas no fue admitido sino hasta el año de 1999.Sus 169 islas (36 de ellas deshabitadas) suman 748 km² en los que viven unos 100.000 tonganos. La capital es Nuku'alofa, residencia habitual del rey Taufa'ahau Tupou IV. EL PIB per cápita se sitúa en $2.200 $ El rey elige a los jueces de la Suprema Corte, y no existen partidos políticos. De la infestación religiosa que sufren ya informa la crónica de los viajeros.

> scanning las sierras..evita y omito are leaving for a el Parque Natural Sierra de Grazalema > Zahara de la Sierra..imagining to
build here..and there..and here.. but mobuildings..with wheelbricks >


..and visiting Utrera on the way back..where eVa y amig@s han decidido to present a project for this forgotten..or better - never imagined plaza..>


> 22 of OCT..arselectro en miniature en Sevilla...Maria and Pau are performing a sonic gazpacho..>


..and Bernhard Loibner..electronic driving through 90 minutes of el Hiko!.just a concentrated man and his modulators..great..


..eVa, Rubi..fractional Topo, Marta and Diego -yes, architects too -are diving into Utrera now..
la plaza zeroplaza que quiere ser una..
sin perder el zero..


..Eva Maissinger left some days ago..back to Tirol..and in few days we have to submit Almeria > el cable verde..los panaderos did a great job..mainly Rubi and Eva M. were working out what in the beginning was found..coloring salt green..ahora
hay que producir un Auno de eso!

..eVa will go to Marseille..scanning Cap about three two omi will go DEAF talk..but ufff..before c a l c diseño should do another SI-magazine..#41..remember? for 40 we took give space for Sis work..this time
we fruit.. did you know that the plum came from China?.not Tirol! solidaridad! > ..


..Rotterdam..! geografia affettiva..affective turbulance..system heroes and cocktailers!..right next to the amazing van nelle building there’s a huge prison..the art of open system in neighborhood with the art of closed system..we decide to prepare some screensketches and two heroic arguments > open system means “love” or nothing..and >
is frame, “not” content..
..lets hope its not as cocktail as it sounds..

..Utrera..ideas and drawings start to find words and an easy hand..


> 25th OF entrada, Almeria! least two full fastslow infinite nights..Teresa and omi do only workerwork in
the end..pasting palms and terms..
> get the 1:1 panel by p-mail..> d~tail >


..#41 SI..thats why..should be downloadable,
no? > SI!

..nice invention..but too expensive..years ago
L°°ks talked about the same invention..on sale
now again we
lost millions and millions..

> in cittadellarte the presentationday gets a mail arrives with the program > unidee2004_pro.doc

..salud a.i.r.04! good day and night and space and feedbacks..gratulazione!.anque per Cristiana, Ju, Cristina.. Juan..Sandra ;-) !..whish we could dance with you 2night..

..but we dance on much time it takes to layout a passport..

..Ju writes:

dear all,
here now a short presentation from the UNIDEE residents 2004, who will be soon part of the manydee group, daniele garella is actually working on the unidee webpage in order to put online all their projects developed during this residency; with teresa and omi we are planning the updates for the manydee webpage you will get soon some news about. ciao a tutti, judith

..we’ll do this updates beginning of 2005..fine..
