
..Paloma calls..asks if we want to do the la memoria 2003 for Solidaridad Internacional >, Eva, Teresa and omi will think about something beautiful..lets meet soon..back in Spain... you remember Peter the cook? ..the one who cooked for us when we had the opening night in Antwerp and Maria had her birthday?..and who visited us later in cittadellarte and started to play with the idea to apply for UNIDEE2004?..well, he did a kitchen artist..and as a musician..and he made it, he’s in!..congratulations!..Teresa and omi are looking forward to meet him and to eat his art when they’re doing a workshop beginning of october..

..on our last day in Marseille we agree with Yannick how to do the little book in BCD’s serie of CAHIER DE L’AGENCE.. related to our the project itself..we’ll propose a layout until July..we are happy that there will be a little!

..bye big Kebabfamily ;-) ..thanks for all > read us soon..

...driving to Barcelona..staying a night in the house of Pedro and Albertina..friends from Sevilla who life her..

Pedro and his partner made it to the second round the other day! > concurso para la plaza de la encarnaciónde Sevilla..(click this is tomorrow..) morning..ciao amores..omi leaves to L.A...we’ll see us soon in Sevilla..

omi wears a t-shirt with arabian calligraphy (from a souvenir shop in Sevilla..) to see if and how people react to that..they react very strongly! fear in eyes that only look one very short older couple even leaves the cabin when he sits next to them..twice he gets checked by GEOs (special forces).. but actually hes glad they’re riding this train too..omi feels this fear too..this paranoia which make you imagine that this trash bin could explote every moment..

> 30th of March >..L.A.!hola L°°ks and Curt and Märle! lets have a good full week..the others are still driving back to Sevilla..even fuller..

we are starting to work on el convento..everybody’s doing a research on one specific theme > history/archeology – archive/telematics – urban context – prgramm/needs..

..the real sailers are transmitting again..far out from the pacific ocean >


..and like they’re on a common race the next day the virtual sailer sparks again..from the real neighbourhood which is virtually Oslo taday..


Querid@s amig@s,
llegados a Europa, en concreto a Oslo, después de cruzar el Atlántico norte desde Halifax ((Canada) impulsados por vientos fuertes y portantes a una velocidad media de 24,64 nudos, hemos conseguido un 6º puesto en esta 7ª etapa con nuestro barco VskTugas I, con lo cual aumentamos nuestra ventaja en la clasificación general hasta los 92 puntos con respecto al 2º clasificado.
La derrota nos llevó primero a costear Terranova adentrándonos en el Atlántico para dejar las Hebridas por estribor, pasar entre el norte de Escocia y las Orcadas y de ahí librando la punta sur de la península Escandinava ir a cruzar la meta enfrente de Oslo.

La clasificación, en sus primeros puestos, queda como sigue:
1º VskTugas I.................1.954 puntos
2º Akakino....................1.862 "
3º VIRTUALROUTER Team.........1.772 "
4º Ptitporsail................1.666 "
5º azra.......................1.630 "
Como de costumbre os envío como adjunto una imagen de la llegada. Un saludo a todos y hasta la próxima etapa donde daremos lo mejor de nosotros para continuar liderando el campeonato. Componentes del equipo:
6D2 (Montevideo)
Boing (Lisboa)
LAZY M (Funchal)
El Temido (Navia)

Luis >>

news from Tom Daily Dale – he got a website now! > until now only little..but polish!

..and a sign from Louwrien..who’s working this year on: 'Let's go for a Compassionate Economy'.. how very different aproaches can be..can the same kind of dreamed fire in the middle of lifes..

Teresa sends images to L.A. from her first experience of La Semana Santa in Sevilla..Madonna! if you don’t know this you really could get very afraid..look, these are the costums..the whole city center..the whole week is full of men wearing that..

37Kb many people as candles..tons of wax is dropping on the streets this week..the effect is sounds! every movement of a car, a bike, even a shoe makes that it sounds like James Bond is taking a curve with 100 mph! after the holy week Sevilla squeaks for weeks..


> 4th of April 4004 > w e n d e l i n w e l c o m e )) Monika and Martin are mamma and bubba! and we all are aunts and uncles again!


..l°°ks and omi doing a “redesign”of the calcaxy.. all dead things out..the site looks like a formula1 racing suite now..full of sponsors and advertisment.. but its only art and an art soap.. like omi just said in what = c a l c..

..comes a mail >

you are invited to participate in 7th meet in a nice restaurant in belgrade, serbia
meet in a nice restaurant is an informal meeting of different people (artists, businesspeople, designers, technicians etc) on 30th april and 1st may we will have dinners in nice belgrade restaurants..

..would like to go..its already the third invitation Nicola’s sending, but..

..L°°ks and omi are watching an incredible T.V. reportage..about a team which is working around Professor Manfred Buchroithner on “real-3D-images”.. for a three dimensional cartography..

..already the flat TV-images overwhelm them with there spacial effect!..talking of the “real3D” of of Stefans image- finding..-doing..following the links..writing an e-mail to mister Hochroithner..showing respect and interest ..and receiving a tickled pink (at this point we want to express our deep appreciation for Leo! with you this booc would be dessert!) answer! mister Hochroithner shows the same!

first we want to understand the theoretical papers he sent us..and we should let Stefan know, maybe we could propose something together?!..and meet in Dresden..

..and stop by Stefan and Annette and the children in Berlin! and visit Evas Berlin..Stefan..

the other one..ach mensch Stefan Münker sends us a new text..after talking with omi on the phone again..about what is and could be..about the metaphor of networks and the reality of geografia-affetiva...
(Barkhoff, Jürgen, Hartmut Böhme u. Jeanne Riou, Hgg.: Netzwerke. Ästhetiken und Techniken der Vernetzung 1800-1900-2000. Köln u. Weimar: Böhlau 2004.)

Federica asks if we could write a short text about how we dound cittadellarte structrure in Antwerp..for the Journal 8 she’s preparing..yes, well..sure..

Michelangelo Pistoletto & cittadellarte &how to curate that ...
